What Exact Blogging (EB) Is All About?
I (Sumit sao) started Exact Blogging in April 2019, because I was very curious to know more about SEO, SEM, Content Marketing and many more online stuff. So I thought let’s start a website where I can share the experience I’m getting from my experiments and premium courses. On this website we generally share articles about Blogging, SEO, Content Writing, Link Building, Reviews, Website Designing etc.
About Sumit Sao (Founder)!
Sumit Sao is a 27-year old Blog full time blogger from India with over 45,000+ followers, and owner of a famous website BloggingLift.com. He has more than 5+ years of experience in blogging, SEO, WordPress & Affiliate Marketing. He loves to share his blogging, SEO and Affiliate Marketing Knowledge through his blogs. His audience trust him because he’s very straight-forwad and not like others who take to much time to share a very small information.
He is also running a very famous Facebook Group “Blogging Lift” which is joined by 43,000+ bloggers all around the world.
Contact Sumit Sao at [email protected]