What Exact Blogging (EB) Is All About?

​I (Sumit sao) started Exact Blogging in April 2019, because I was very curious to know more about SEO, SEM, Content Marketing and many more online stuff. So I thought let’s start a website where I can share the experience I’m getting from my experiments and premium courses.​ On this website we generally share articles about Blogging, SEO, Content Writing, Link Building, Reviews, Website Designing etc.

About Sumit Sao (Founder)!

Sumit Sao is a 27-year old Blog full time blogger from India with over 45,000+ followers, and owner of a famous website BloggingLift.com.  He has more than 5+ years of experience in blogging, SEO, WordPress & Affiliate Marketing. He loves to share his blogging, SEO and Affiliate Marketing Knowledge through his blogs. His audience trust him because he’s very straight-forwad ​and not like others who take to much time to share a very small information.

He is also running a very famous Facebook Group “Blogging Lift” which is joined by 43,000+ bloggers all around the world.

Contact Sumit Sao at [email protected]